I wrote a post 5 days after Phoenix was born but it won't work so here I go again on his 5 month birthday. I can't believe it's been 5 months already!!
On October 21 (the day before my due date), dusty and I stayed up super late coming up with boy names for our sweet baby ( we chose not to find out the gender til he was born). I think I started to feel contractions at about 3ish. Dusty called my parents to say start getting ready to come take care of the kids around 4am they got to our place around 6:30. And I was having some super good contractions... my labor start to finish with Londyn was about 6 hours. So we thought this one would be even quicker. We got to the hospital and my contractions basically stopped. Now at my appointment the day before I was actually displayed and effaced. That didn't happen with either of the other two. My midwife checked me and I was a little more dialated. They told me to walk the halls for a while to see if I could get the contractions going again. I had a few... and than when we were waiting for the midwife to come check me again I had a few really good regular ones. She came and checked me and I was a little more dialated. So we walked the halls some more... this time I didn't have any contractions. My midwife came in to check me and I was dialated a little more again. She said this is so weird your not having regular contractions but your progressing, so luckily she admitted me. I got my iv in so we could get started on the antibiotics (GBS+). Still my dang contractions wouldn't get going again. My midwife gave me some options to get my contractions going we could try pumping (nipple stimulation), breaking my water, or starting pitocin. We chose the pitocin. The other two had risks I didn't want. So for the next several hours I was on pitocin. For some reason even with the pitocin I wasn't getting into active labor. At one point I had to get on oxygen cause babies heart rate wasn't doing so great, than they lowered the amount of pitocin I was getting for the same reason. Finally around midnight dusty and I decided to try to get some rest. I got a little bit and thanactive labor started. But I was also starting to transition... when they say transition is the worst part, they aren't joking... the pain was all in my vagina... I was trying to stay quiet so Dusty could sleep. But my groans of pain woke him up. He called the nurse in for me. I asked for the nitrous oxide. We got that going and I didn't care about the pain as much... (went from crying hysterically to being able to just breathe). The midwife came in to check me and I was only at a 6. I was devastated! I told them I wanted the epidural! They said I needed to be off the laughing gas for 15 minutes before I could get it... my dear hubby explained to me what I already knew but didn't want to think about. I usually move super fast at this point and we wouldn't have time for the epidural, and that I regretted getting it that late with Londyn. So I chose no epidural... besides all the things my hubby pointed out to me there was no way I was giving up the nitrous. It made it bearable for me. I kept putting a leg up when I had a contraction which was really freaking my nurse and dusty out. It made them think I was trying to push. I told them I couldn't tell if I needed to pee or not. So I went and tried. A few minutes later I told them I felt like it was time to push. My nurse got the midwife in there ( who was not the one who admitted me anymore. And was the most awkward person ever) she checked me and said I was at 7 I had a few more contractions during one of them my water broke. I felt it pop and gush... I tried to tell them but with me pushing the nitrous mask on my face so hard (surprised I didn't have a mask shaped bruise around my mouth and nose) they couldn't understand me. After the contraction I told them and they changed the huge bed pads... a few more contractions and I told the midwife I needed to push she checked me I was at a 8... said I needed to have a few more good contractions and it'd be time. Well that didn't happen. The next contraction I was involuntarily pushing, 3 or 4 pushes and he was out (it's amazing how instant the relief was after he was out). Dusty kind of got to catch him but it happened super quick. He said it's a boy! Than second guessed himself cause again it happened so fast... I tore a little bit but didn't need stitches this time. Phoenix is our biggest baby so far weighing in at 8 pounds 8 ounces. 20 inches long. All the nurses were guessing he was a 7.8 pound baby and we were all surprised he was as big as he was.
So far he's been my best nurser. And by that I mean the least painful. He is growing like weed just like his big bro. His siblings love this little guy so much they both love snuggling baby bro. Sadly we didn't really get pictures... I love this little guy so much and am so glad he chose us. He is a happy baby gives a big smile to practically anyone, but is pretty stingy with his giggles and laughs... it's heaven when we get one out of him!
I think this lil slugger is 17 or 18 pounds now...
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