This is for me. Don’t read if you don’t want to hear about periods...
In July 2019 I started the process of seeing a fertility specialist for a couple reasons.
1. We’d been trying for number four for quite some time.
2. My periods had gotten absolutely miserable, I felt like I was having bad contractions
every period, and was bleeding through double-upped overnight pads and a tampon.
After a few ultrasounds showing that my uterus was enlarged, thicker than it should be,
and my ovaries were stuck behind my uterus. I was sent in for a test where they inject
dye into your uterus and Fallopian tubes to see if they’re blocked. Mine were not. So
next step was a diagnostic laparoscopy.
On October 21 I went in for surgery, not really sure what to expect. I came out with a
diagnosis of moderate to severe endometriosis; which explains all the pain I’ve been having.
Here’s my options...
1. Continuous birth control (my body has not reacted well to birth controls)
2. Progesterone (norethindrone)
3. Nerve blockers (gabbapenton)
4. Medically induced menopause (orilissa)
And last but not least
5. A hysterectomy 😳
My first period after the surgery we decided to try clomid to see if we could
get pregnant. That month I was in the most pain yet. I spent lots of time on
my knees praying to Heavenly Father, I told him this needed to be the month.
I couldn’t take the pain anymore. Everything and everyone in my life was
being neglected. I just couldn’t take the pain anymore, so after I got my negative
pregnancy test, I called the dr and said let’s get back on the norethindrone ( I was
on it for the surgery). I was still in pain but not as much for a few weeks. Than I
felt normal again. A few weeks later, I started spotting. A week after that PAIN and
so much bloating. The next day Heavy spotting. I called my dr. told them i wanted to
try the menopause route. It took week for insurance to ok this. A week after that so
much pain again. I started the orilissa 3 days ago. Im really hoping this is going to help
me feel better. The side effects scare me; but if I'm not in constant pain It'll be worth it.
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