This is for me. Don’t read if you don’t want to hear about periods...
In July 2019 I started the process of seeing a fertility specialist for a couple reasons.
1. We’d been trying for number four for quite some time.
2. My periods had gotten absolutely miserable, I felt like I was having bad contractions
every period, and was bleeding through double-upped overnight pads and a tampon.
After a few ultrasounds showing that my uterus was enlarged, thicker than it should be,
and my ovaries were stuck behind my uterus. I was sent in for a test where they inject
dye into your uterus and Fallopian tubes to see if they’re blocked. Mine were not. So
next step was a diagnostic laparoscopy.
On October 21 I went in for surgery, not really sure what to expect. I came out with a
diagnosis of moderate to severe endometriosis; which explains all the pain I’ve been having.
Here’s my options...
1. Continuous birth control (my body has not reacted well to birth controls)
2. Progesterone (norethindrone)
3. Nerve blockers (gabbapenton)
4. Medically induced menopause (orilissa)
And last but not least
5. A hysterectomy 😳
My first period after the surgery we decided to try clomid to see if we could
get pregnant. That month I was in the most pain yet. I spent lots of time on
my knees praying to Heavenly Father, I told him this needed to be the month.
I couldn’t take the pain anymore. Everything and everyone in my life was
being neglected. I just couldn’t take the pain anymore, so after I got my negative
pregnancy test, I called the dr and said let’s get back on the norethindrone ( I was
on it for the surgery). I was still in pain but not as much for a few weeks. Than I
felt normal again. A few weeks later, I started spotting. A week after that PAIN and
so much bloating. The next day Heavy spotting. I called my dr. told them i wanted to
try the menopause route. It took week for insurance to ok this. A week after that so
much pain again. I started the orilissa 3 days ago. Im really hoping this is going to help
me feel better. The side effects scare me; but if I'm not in constant pain It'll be worth it.
Platt Family
miracles do happen

Beautiful Leilani 2 days old
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Thursday, March 23, 2017
I wrote a post 5 days after Phoenix was born but it won't work so here I go again on his 5 month birthday. I can't believe it's been 5 months already!!
On October 21 (the day before my due date), dusty and I stayed up super late coming up with boy names for our sweet baby ( we chose not to find out the gender til he was born). I think I started to feel contractions at about 3ish. Dusty called my parents to say start getting ready to come take care of the kids around 4am they got to our place around 6:30. And I was having some super good contractions... my labor start to finish with Londyn was about 6 hours. So we thought this one would be even quicker. We got to the hospital and my contractions basically stopped. Now at my appointment the day before I was actually displayed and effaced. That didn't happen with either of the other two. My midwife checked me and I was a little more dialated. They told me to walk the halls for a while to see if I could get the contractions going again. I had a few... and than when we were waiting for the midwife to come check me again I had a few really good regular ones. She came and checked me and I was a little more dialated. So we walked the halls some more... this time I didn't have any contractions. My midwife came in to check me and I was dialated a little more again. She said this is so weird your not having regular contractions but your progressing, so luckily she admitted me. I got my iv in so we could get started on the antibiotics (GBS+). Still my dang contractions wouldn't get going again. My midwife gave me some options to get my contractions going we could try pumping (nipple stimulation), breaking my water, or starting pitocin. We chose the pitocin. The other two had risks I didn't want. So for the next several hours I was on pitocin. For some reason even with the pitocin I wasn't getting into active labor. At one point I had to get on oxygen cause babies heart rate wasn't doing so great, than they lowered the amount of pitocin I was getting for the same reason. Finally around midnight dusty and I decided to try to get some rest. I got a little bit and thanactive labor started. But I was also starting to transition... when they say transition is the worst part, they aren't joking... the pain was all in my vagina... I was trying to stay quiet so Dusty could sleep. But my groans of pain woke him up. He called the nurse in for me. I asked for the nitrous oxide. We got that going and I didn't care about the pain as much... (went from crying hysterically to being able to just breathe). The midwife came in to check me and I was only at a 6. I was devastated! I told them I wanted the epidural! They said I needed to be off the laughing gas for 15 minutes before I could get it... my dear hubby explained to me what I already knew but didn't want to think about. I usually move super fast at this point and we wouldn't have time for the epidural, and that I regretted getting it that late with Londyn. So I chose no epidural... besides all the things my hubby pointed out to me there was no way I was giving up the nitrous. It made it bearable for me. I kept putting a leg up when I had a contraction which was really freaking my nurse and dusty out. It made them think I was trying to push. I told them I couldn't tell if I needed to pee or not. So I went and tried. A few minutes later I told them I felt like it was time to push. My nurse got the midwife in there ( who was not the one who admitted me anymore. And was the most awkward person ever) she checked me and said I was at 7 I had a few more contractions during one of them my water broke. I felt it pop and gush... I tried to tell them but with me pushing the nitrous mask on my face so hard (surprised I didn't have a mask shaped bruise around my mouth and nose) they couldn't understand me. After the contraction I told them and they changed the huge bed pads... a few more contractions and I told the midwife I needed to push she checked me I was at a 8... said I needed to have a few more good contractions and it'd be time. Well that didn't happen. The next contraction I was involuntarily pushing, 3 or 4 pushes and he was out (it's amazing how instant the relief was after he was out). Dusty kind of got to catch him but it happened super quick. He said it's a boy! Than second guessed himself cause again it happened so fast... I tore a little bit but didn't need stitches this time. Phoenix is our biggest baby so far weighing in at 8 pounds 8 ounces. 20 inches long. All the nurses were guessing he was a 7.8 pound baby and we were all surprised he was as big as he was.
So far he's been my best nurser. And by that I mean the least painful. He is growing like weed just like his big bro. His siblings love this little guy so much they both love snuggling baby bro. Sadly we didn't really get pictures... I love this little guy so much and am so glad he chose us. He is a happy baby gives a big smile to practically anyone, but is pretty stingy with his giggles and laughs... it's heaven when we get one out of him!
I think this lil slugger is 17 or 18 pounds now...
On October 21 (the day before my due date), dusty and I stayed up super late coming up with boy names for our sweet baby ( we chose not to find out the gender til he was born). I think I started to feel contractions at about 3ish. Dusty called my parents to say start getting ready to come take care of the kids around 4am they got to our place around 6:30. And I was having some super good contractions... my labor start to finish with Londyn was about 6 hours. So we thought this one would be even quicker. We got to the hospital and my contractions basically stopped. Now at my appointment the day before I was actually displayed and effaced. That didn't happen with either of the other two. My midwife checked me and I was a little more dialated. They told me to walk the halls for a while to see if I could get the contractions going again. I had a few... and than when we were waiting for the midwife to come check me again I had a few really good regular ones. She came and checked me and I was a little more dialated. So we walked the halls some more... this time I didn't have any contractions. My midwife came in to check me and I was dialated a little more again. She said this is so weird your not having regular contractions but your progressing, so luckily she admitted me. I got my iv in so we could get started on the antibiotics (GBS+). Still my dang contractions wouldn't get going again. My midwife gave me some options to get my contractions going we could try pumping (nipple stimulation), breaking my water, or starting pitocin. We chose the pitocin. The other two had risks I didn't want. So for the next several hours I was on pitocin. For some reason even with the pitocin I wasn't getting into active labor. At one point I had to get on oxygen cause babies heart rate wasn't doing so great, than they lowered the amount of pitocin I was getting for the same reason. Finally around midnight dusty and I decided to try to get some rest. I got a little bit and thanactive labor started. But I was also starting to transition... when they say transition is the worst part, they aren't joking... the pain was all in my vagina... I was trying to stay quiet so Dusty could sleep. But my groans of pain woke him up. He called the nurse in for me. I asked for the nitrous oxide. We got that going and I didn't care about the pain as much... (went from crying hysterically to being able to just breathe). The midwife came in to check me and I was only at a 6. I was devastated! I told them I wanted the epidural! They said I needed to be off the laughing gas for 15 minutes before I could get it... my dear hubby explained to me what I already knew but didn't want to think about. I usually move super fast at this point and we wouldn't have time for the epidural, and that I regretted getting it that late with Londyn. So I chose no epidural... besides all the things my hubby pointed out to me there was no way I was giving up the nitrous. It made it bearable for me. I kept putting a leg up when I had a contraction which was really freaking my nurse and dusty out. It made them think I was trying to push. I told them I couldn't tell if I needed to pee or not. So I went and tried. A few minutes later I told them I felt like it was time to push. My nurse got the midwife in there ( who was not the one who admitted me anymore. And was the most awkward person ever) she checked me and said I was at 7 I had a few more contractions during one of them my water broke. I felt it pop and gush... I tried to tell them but with me pushing the nitrous mask on my face so hard (surprised I didn't have a mask shaped bruise around my mouth and nose) they couldn't understand me. After the contraction I told them and they changed the huge bed pads... a few more contractions and I told the midwife I needed to push she checked me I was at a 8... said I needed to have a few more good contractions and it'd be time. Well that didn't happen. The next contraction I was involuntarily pushing, 3 or 4 pushes and he was out (it's amazing how instant the relief was after he was out). Dusty kind of got to catch him but it happened super quick. He said it's a boy! Than second guessed himself cause again it happened so fast... I tore a little bit but didn't need stitches this time. Phoenix is our biggest baby so far weighing in at 8 pounds 8 ounces. 20 inches long. All the nurses were guessing he was a 7.8 pound baby and we were all surprised he was as big as he was.
So far he's been my best nurser. And by that I mean the least painful. He is growing like weed just like his big bro. His siblings love this little guy so much they both love snuggling baby bro. Sadly we didn't really get pictures... I love this little guy so much and am so glad he chose us. He is a happy baby gives a big smile to practically anyone, but is pretty stingy with his giggles and laughs... it's heaven when we get one out of him!
I think this lil slugger is 17 or 18 pounds now...
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Living a nightmare
Saturday October 17 started like any other Saturday for us. Londyn and I woke up and played for a while. Dusty had to go to work for an hour or so. Leilani slept in that morning. Around 9:30 or 10, after Dusty got back home we left to go to my mom and dad's. Dad and Dusty have been building a deck for my mom. I was doing a little laundry (since we were there). My mom put a toast in the crock pot to cook for dinner.
Later, the guys were outside and I put Londyn in the walker to help mom make dinner. She asked me to make some brownies... I looked up and saw it happening in slow motion but couldn't do anything about it... Londyn found the cord to the crock pot and pulled. He was screaming before I could get to him. My mom was there before me. (I've never seen her move so quick and sound so panicked.) She's always so calm in a crisis. She was screaming at me to turn the cold water on! I think we got him under the cold water within seconds. Got him sprayed down and undressed, and then Dusty and I rushed him to the hospital. (Before this moment I half way wondered if Londyn even felt pain.)
Once we got there we ran in. I ran up to check him in, me to the check in lady ...(I'm bawling as bad as him) my baby got burned! Her: what happened? Me: he pulled a cockpit of the counter her: what's his birth date? Me: January 19 2015. Her: Londyn? Me: yes! Her: you still at ...( old address)? Me: no... ( crap now I have to remember our new address)... Hope I gave it right...Her: ok he'll be called back in a second. I tried nursing him to comfort while we waited, had long enough to get attached.
We got called back he had to be weighed and have his oxygen checked then they got us in a room quick!! 2-3 nurses came in introduced themselves and looked at Londyn. Luckily it was mainly on his arms and hands. There was a first degree burn on his chest but it wasn't worried about. He had a bruise starting on his cheek. So we're guessing the crock pot hit him in the face when it feel of the counter. They left for what felt like forever. One came back in some time after that and have him some ibuprofen, then left again. (For what felt like forever again). I finally got Londyn calmed down a little, but he was still wimpering. I felt like they were taking too long, and I could see blisters getting worse on his hands. So I went over to the nurses station and asked if we could get something on them. They said sadly, burns get worse for the next 12 hours. My heart sank, I'm supposed to protect my babies from stuff like this, and now it's going to get worse? 3 nurses came in again. They gave him another pain medicine and something that made him super loopy. But no more tears. Than a tetanus shot. Once he was good and loopy, they started dressing the wounds. First a gauze soaked in neosporin, than wrapped in more gauze,lots of it. Than wrapped in that sticky gauzy tape stuff. He was casted basically from his shoulders down.
usually we kept socks on to keep it clean.
usually we kept socks on to keep it clean.
On Tuesday the 20th, we had an appointment with the burn unit at children's hospital. 2 nurses came in and cut off the bandages from the ER to check the wounds. (Brace yourself these next pictures are not pretty...)
These two are of his right hand. It got it the worse I think.
This is his left arm. It was peeling before we left for the hospital.
The nurses came back in to redress the wounds. They put him in a soft cast (it's hard just not as hard as it would have been if he broke a bone.) They said his burns are 2nd degree with partial thickening. Which means there are blisters but the burns aren't through all the layers of skin and into the tissue... They said there shouldn't be any scarring if it heals within 21 days if it takes longer than that we might need to talk with a surgeon.
All I can think when I look at him is it should have been so much worse. It's a miracle that the burns are only on his arms and hands. And I pray that he heals on his own.
But these casts are not slowing him down (I mean obviously they do a little), he is crawling everywhere and pulling himself up on everything. He falls more because he can't hold onto stuff. It is a little funny when he wants his pacifier, he'll try to find it with his mouth to suck on it.
I love this little boy so much and I'm so grateful for the nurses and doctors who have been and will be there for us through this ordeal. Londyn has a long road to full recovery but he's well on his way. Nothing will get this boy down!!
plus 1
Londyn is here!!! On Monday January 19 Londyn Dean Platt graced is with his presence at 6:43pm. Weighing in at 7 pounds 5 ounces and 21 inches long.
We got word that my grandpa not doing well, and possibly may not make it much longer. So on the 16th (which was my due date) I called my midwives and asked if I could be induced, I wanted to be able to go out to Utah if something did happen to grandpa. They said they were to busy that night but maybe on Sunday they could do it. So I waited and called back on Sunday. They told me they were to busy again but that they could schedule me for the next morning at 7:30am, and to call at 6:30 to make sure, since this was an elective induction. We slept at my parents so we wouldn't have to wake Leilani up so early, (she knew something was going on though cause she woke up around 5:45 and wouldn't go back to sleep) Well I woke up and showered at 5:30am. And made Dusty, Leilani and I some yummy breakfast sandwiches, Then called at 6:30 it was still a go!!! We left for the hospital and got stuck in traffic, so I called the hospital again to tell them we may be a little late.
Now for the birth story. We got there at around 7:50 got checked in, and waited for a nurse to come get us to take us to the labor and delivery room. The midwife came in and checked me to make sure that there was some progress and that this could in fact happen. Barely enough progress. So at around 10:30 or 11 I got my IV put in my hand (ouch), and little while after that my midwife came in to start the induction process. They start by placing a tiny little pill behind the cervix it will resolve and it softens the cervix getting it ready to dilate. (normally they do 3 rounds of that with 4 hours in between each round, and then start the pitocin). In my case, I got the first dose and my contractions started about a half hour later right on top of each other (OUCH again) after a couple hours of that Dusty asked if I wanted to labor in the tub for a little while. Yes I did!!! So we called the nurse in, told her. She took off the moniters and said I'll have to check him in an hour. Great, I couldn't imagine I'd be doing it without the epidural much longer anyway. So I labored in the amazing tub, with the jacuzzi jets and cool lights. About 40 minutes later my midwife had come in to check me and I said if I've made any progress I think I'm ready for the epidural. She and Dusty helped me get out of the tub and dry. Then she hooked me back up to the moniters, and checked me. I had finally made progress. I was now a loose 4. Yay I was 1 and 30% effaced when we started this. I said can I have the epidural now. She thought it was a little to early and suggested the IV narcotics, that was fine. I spent the next hour feeling like I was going to throw up and the room was spinning. Then there was pain again but not the contractions, it was all in my vagina,(sorry) oh my heck!!! So dusty called the nurse back in who called in the midwife and I was at 7. Can I have the epidural now??? (By then all the narcotics had worn off, and I was feeling the contractions again in my uterus as well as my vagina.) Yes. Lets get him in here!! At one point between them going to call the anesthesiologist and all of them coming back I looked back at the IV bags and said do I have to get all that before, dusty said I think so, I broke down and cried, good news though, I didn't. The nurse and anesthesiologist came in. This epidural was not as easy as the one with Leilani... But I was having contractions the whole time, it's so hard to sit still for them to poke your spine while your having such strong contractions. At one point my heart rate dropped, so they had to take a break. finally after being poked about 5 times he got it in the right spot. My contractions were gone. And once again all I could feel was the pain in my vagina. That stumped the anesthesiologist, he'd never seen it work everywhere but there. So he gave me an extra dose of anesthesia. My legs were completely numb the pain wasnt as bad so he felt ok about it. The midwife came in to check me again and I was a 10, Londyn's head was low. They were ready for me to push!!! I asked for the mirror, and my legs went up on the stirrups... That's not such a good position for me, I can't push the right way. But it was ok cause they had to flip Londyn, he was sunny side up... They got him flipped and his heart rate started to drop with every contraction. They called in the special doctors to monitor his heart rate. Then got a internal monitor on his head. My nurse noticed I was having a hard time pushing the right way so she put my feet on the stirrups, huge difference, pushed through 2 contractions and there was his head. (when the special doctors came in they said the cord was probably wrapped around him, and if this didn't happen fast I may need a c-section.) so I could see his head and I just kept pushing til he was all out. My midwife hurried and unwrapped the cord (around his neck twice) suctioned him a little heard a little cry and handed him to to pediatric people. They had to give him oxygen, he totally started crying and getting color, so they were able to put him on me for some skin to skin bonding. He was finally out after 6 or 7 hours of labor we're both ok.
When Leilani came to meet her brother she walked in and said "mom where's my brother can I hold him now?"
I have loved this last week, with 2 kids. It's definitely harder with 2 but I wouldn't trade it for anything!!!
We got word that my grandpa not doing well, and possibly may not make it much longer. So on the 16th (which was my due date) I called my midwives and asked if I could be induced, I wanted to be able to go out to Utah if something did happen to grandpa. They said they were to busy that night but maybe on Sunday they could do it. So I waited and called back on Sunday. They told me they were to busy again but that they could schedule me for the next morning at 7:30am, and to call at 6:30 to make sure, since this was an elective induction. We slept at my parents so we wouldn't have to wake Leilani up so early, (she knew something was going on though cause she woke up around 5:45 and wouldn't go back to sleep) Well I woke up and showered at 5:30am. And made Dusty, Leilani and I some yummy breakfast sandwiches, Then called at 6:30 it was still a go!!! We left for the hospital and got stuck in traffic, so I called the hospital again to tell them we may be a little late.
Now for the birth story. We got there at around 7:50 got checked in, and waited for a nurse to come get us to take us to the labor and delivery room. The midwife came in and checked me to make sure that there was some progress and that this could in fact happen. Barely enough progress. So at around 10:30 or 11 I got my IV put in my hand (ouch), and little while after that my midwife came in to start the induction process. They start by placing a tiny little pill behind the cervix it will resolve and it softens the cervix getting it ready to dilate. (normally they do 3 rounds of that with 4 hours in between each round, and then start the pitocin). In my case, I got the first dose and my contractions started about a half hour later right on top of each other (OUCH again) after a couple hours of that Dusty asked if I wanted to labor in the tub for a little while. Yes I did!!! So we called the nurse in, told her. She took off the moniters and said I'll have to check him in an hour. Great, I couldn't imagine I'd be doing it without the epidural much longer anyway. So I labored in the amazing tub, with the jacuzzi jets and cool lights. About 40 minutes later my midwife had come in to check me and I said if I've made any progress I think I'm ready for the epidural. She and Dusty helped me get out of the tub and dry. Then she hooked me back up to the moniters, and checked me. I had finally made progress. I was now a loose 4. Yay I was 1 and 30% effaced when we started this. I said can I have the epidural now. She thought it was a little to early and suggested the IV narcotics, that was fine. I spent the next hour feeling like I was going to throw up and the room was spinning. Then there was pain again but not the contractions, it was all in my vagina,(sorry) oh my heck!!! So dusty called the nurse back in who called in the midwife and I was at 7. Can I have the epidural now??? (By then all the narcotics had worn off, and I was feeling the contractions again in my uterus as well as my vagina.) Yes. Lets get him in here!! At one point between them going to call the anesthesiologist and all of them coming back I looked back at the IV bags and said do I have to get all that before, dusty said I think so, I broke down and cried, good news though, I didn't. The nurse and anesthesiologist came in. This epidural was not as easy as the one with Leilani... But I was having contractions the whole time, it's so hard to sit still for them to poke your spine while your having such strong contractions. At one point my heart rate dropped, so they had to take a break. finally after being poked about 5 times he got it in the right spot. My contractions were gone. And once again all I could feel was the pain in my vagina. That stumped the anesthesiologist, he'd never seen it work everywhere but there. So he gave me an extra dose of anesthesia. My legs were completely numb the pain wasnt as bad so he felt ok about it. The midwife came in to check me again and I was a 10, Londyn's head was low. They were ready for me to push!!! I asked for the mirror, and my legs went up on the stirrups... That's not such a good position for me, I can't push the right way. But it was ok cause they had to flip Londyn, he was sunny side up... They got him flipped and his heart rate started to drop with every contraction. They called in the special doctors to monitor his heart rate. Then got a internal monitor on his head. My nurse noticed I was having a hard time pushing the right way so she put my feet on the stirrups, huge difference, pushed through 2 contractions and there was his head. (when the special doctors came in they said the cord was probably wrapped around him, and if this didn't happen fast I may need a c-section.) so I could see his head and I just kept pushing til he was all out. My midwife hurried and unwrapped the cord (around his neck twice) suctioned him a little heard a little cry and handed him to to pediatric people. They had to give him oxygen, he totally started crying and getting color, so they were able to put him on me for some skin to skin bonding. He was finally out after 6 or 7 hours of labor we're both ok.
I have loved this last week, with 2 kids. It's definitely harder with 2 but I wouldn't trade it for anything!!!
Monday, December 10, 2012
She is 1...
This year has gone by so FAST!! I can hardly believe my baby is one... except she isn't even a baby anymore... She's a toddler. Leilani is all over the place~ walking, climbing, and getting into everything!! her favorite place to hang out right now is the bottom stair... Its like her little seat, just her size.
We got to spend this last weekend in Eagle with most of Dusty's family, It was so nice to spend the weekend with them all, and let Leilani get to know them all a little better, while there she became brave around small animals and followed the cats around whenever she could. it was cute. We went and hiked up to hanging lake on Sunday, we learned we need a backpack to carry Leilani in. But everyone helped carry her up to the top, which helped out a ton! It was so beautiful at the top! If your ever near Glenwood Springs CO, i recommend going up to hanging lake.
The weekend before this was Leilani's birthday weekend, It was so fun the celebrations started in the middle of the week, when aunt Kara came back from New York and hung out with us and helped me get everything ready for Leilani's birthday Party. We made banners, one for Leilani and one for her grandpa Platt his birthday was Saturday, We decorated Leilani's cake and made Grandpas, then she had to go so she could work and earn some money for school. Friday Aunt Kelli came down for all the festivities. We had such a blast with her. that night Dusty, Kelli, Leilani and I all went to Panera and bought some little bunt cakes (from Nothing bunt cakes) to have for Leilani's birthday. It was so cute watching her try to eat her little cake. all she got was frosting but she really enjoyed it. and had it EVERYWHERE (even inside her ear). we then all walked over to Target so Kelli could get a present for her and Dusty found another gift for Leilani, he fell in love with it and had to come beg me for it... ( it was a baby music turn table thing, very cool) and I realized it was really late and so we also bought Leilani some pajamas so I could change her, then she could just stay asleep when we got home.
I started this post months ago... The next day was her party so we ran all over town getting last minutes things. Kelli and I came up with a great idea to line Grandpas cake with Twix bars and tie a ribbon around it so that the cake wouldn't become an avalanche cake. It looked great! The party was fun, Friends and Family came, and we got to celebrate 2 birthdays. It was really great seeing everyone and letting Leilani dive into a piece of cake and ice cream. She had fun playing with her cousin Deklan and Uncle Rian who are 3 years older.
We got to spend this last weekend in Eagle with most of Dusty's family, It was so nice to spend the weekend with them all, and let Leilani get to know them all a little better, while there she became brave around small animals and followed the cats around whenever she could. it was cute. We went and hiked up to hanging lake on Sunday, we learned we need a backpack to carry Leilani in. But everyone helped carry her up to the top, which helped out a ton! It was so beautiful at the top! If your ever near Glenwood Springs CO, i recommend going up to hanging lake.
The weekend before this was Leilani's birthday weekend, It was so fun the celebrations started in the middle of the week, when aunt Kara came back from New York and hung out with us and helped me get everything ready for Leilani's birthday Party. We made banners, one for Leilani and one for her grandpa Platt his birthday was Saturday, We decorated Leilani's cake and made Grandpas, then she had to go so she could work and earn some money for school. Friday Aunt Kelli came down for all the festivities. We had such a blast with her. that night Dusty, Kelli, Leilani and I all went to Panera and bought some little bunt cakes (from Nothing bunt cakes) to have for Leilani's birthday. It was so cute watching her try to eat her little cake. all she got was frosting but she really enjoyed it. and had it EVERYWHERE (even inside her ear). we then all walked over to Target so Kelli could get a present for her and Dusty found another gift for Leilani, he fell in love with it and had to come beg me for it... ( it was a baby music turn table thing, very cool) and I realized it was really late and so we also bought Leilani some pajamas so I could change her, then she could just stay asleep when we got home.
Leilani had to wake up for her party, so she needed some snuggles |
getting ready to blow out her candle |
Uncle Rian and cousin Deklan |
Grandpa doing one for the money |
YAY!! Leilani |
She Loves doing One for the Money with Grandpa |
Playing with Rian and Deklan |
had to get one in there of the Birthday boy |
Friday, June 29, 2012
update on us...
Dusty is working at Target from 4 AM to around 12:30... he comes home very exhausted and takes a nap with Leilani. He is taking the summer off from school since fafsa grants really only cover 2 semesters. He has picked up a hobby, he loves to work out in the garage with all my dads tools and build things, so far he has made a crib (with lots of help from my dad and grandpa), and some cookbook stands (i'll have to post pictures later as I have lost my camera). He has plans to make a step/drawer for me to put under the crib (since it is way to high for me to put Leilani in it), and a sorting laundry hamper for me:) He is very talented with woodworking, I wish we could afford to buy him all these tools but for now he'll have to borrow my dads.
I finished dental assisting school with like a 99.2% (not bragging) I was just proud of myself. and am now looking for a job. Meanwhile, I am LOVING being able to spend so much time with Leilani, she is the most perfect, beautiful little girl I have ever seen. I look at her and still cant believe she is mine, I have wanted to be a mom for so long, and it is everything I always thought it would be. I LOVE being a mom!!! Saladmaster did not work out for me because I was away from my family way too much, (and other reasons) it is an amazing product and maybe in the future it might work out, but for now its not for me.
Now for Leilani since thats who we're all interested in anyway..., She is now 9 months old. that's right 9 months. Where did the time go you ask, I have NO IDEA! I ask myself that everyday and then demand her to quit growing up, It doesn't work... I came to the realization at about 6 1/2 months that I was slowing her development down by swaddling her still, so pretty much cold turkey we stopped that and she started crawling, but it was like a shoulder crawl... hard to explain. at 8 1/2 months she very unexpectedly took 3 steps... and a few here and there after that but has now mastered the real crawl and has no interest in trying any more... but she does pull herself up on everything and cruise, and I am happy about that... She is the happiest baby I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot. everywhere we go people comment on her eyes, her smile and how happy she is, that always makes me feel good. Her hair... we still cannot decide if its going to be blonde, brown, red, or strawberry blonde... it is different every time I look at her. But one thing is for sure... she is My beautiful little angel.
Dusty finally got on board with sleep training her so we tried to start that at the beginning of the week.She did well for one night then got a cold and had a hard time breathing so sleep training is put off for a little while longer... it sure sucks though... I think that is the only time she really ever cries, even if she gets hurt (unless it really hurt) all she does then is scrunch up her nose and mouth and breathe heavy at us for a few seconds. its the cutest thing... ok I think that is all I can think of right now... thanks for reading about the Platt's.
I finished dental assisting school with like a 99.2% (not bragging) I was just proud of myself. and am now looking for a job. Meanwhile, I am LOVING being able to spend so much time with Leilani, she is the most perfect, beautiful little girl I have ever seen. I look at her and still cant believe she is mine, I have wanted to be a mom for so long, and it is everything I always thought it would be. I LOVE being a mom!!! Saladmaster did not work out for me because I was away from my family way too much, (and other reasons) it is an amazing product and maybe in the future it might work out, but for now its not for me.
Now for Leilani since thats who we're all interested in anyway..., She is now 9 months old. that's right 9 months. Where did the time go you ask, I have NO IDEA! I ask myself that everyday and then demand her to quit growing up, It doesn't work... I came to the realization at about 6 1/2 months that I was slowing her development down by swaddling her still, so pretty much cold turkey we stopped that and she started crawling, but it was like a shoulder crawl... hard to explain. at 8 1/2 months she very unexpectedly took 3 steps... and a few here and there after that but has now mastered the real crawl and has no interest in trying any more... but she does pull herself up on everything and cruise, and I am happy about that... She is the happiest baby I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot. everywhere we go people comment on her eyes, her smile and how happy she is, that always makes me feel good. Her hair... we still cannot decide if its going to be blonde, brown, red, or strawberry blonde... it is different every time I look at her. But one thing is for sure... she is My beautiful little angel.
Dusty finally got on board with sleep training her so we tried to start that at the beginning of the week.She did well for one night then got a cold and had a hard time breathing so sleep training is put off for a little while longer... it sure sucks though... I think that is the only time she really ever cries, even if she gets hurt (unless it really hurt) all she does then is scrunch up her nose and mouth and breathe heavy at us for a few seconds. its the cutest thing... ok I think that is all I can think of right now... thanks for reading about the Platt's.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Catching Up...
So much has happened in the last three months, I worked for Saladmaster, in our first month we did so good that our boss sent us to Vegas for a Saladmaster conference hotel and airfare free some meals free and second row to Blue Man Group Free... It was a much needed vacation for Dusty and I, and Leilani had fun too! While we were there Dusty (we) got to hang out with one of his best friends and his family, it was so nice to see them and get to know them a little better. After Vegas everything was go-go-go again... well it got to be too much for me so we decided to give up Saladmaster, (I love the product, I believe in it and I know it can change lives, I saw it. But I have to have a job in a dental office because I got a scholarship/grant from Colorado on the stipulation of me working in the field for a while. The day after we gave it up, it was like a big weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I was able to spend more time with Leilani and Dusty. Now I have 3 classes left, then we will be looking for a job hopefully in Idaho so that Dusty can go to BYU-I.
Leilani is almost 7 months old, I cant believe it!! the time has flown by so fast! the other day Dusty and I were shopping for a birthday present for Gabe (he is now 3), while shopping I decided that Leilani was not allowed to have a first birthday because she is not allowed to grow up... If only it could work that way. But I guess its a good thing that we do grow up, I just wish it lasted longer. it feels like yesterday that we brought our beautiful baby girl home. She is doing so great, she now sits, rolls, reaches for us, pushes herself around the floor (mostly backwards), she is eating baby food and loves it!! We are still introducing foods to her but so far so good.
(Sorry I am not posting pictures, I have lost my camera. so when I find it, I will post some).
Leilani is almost 7 months old, I cant believe it!! the time has flown by so fast! the other day Dusty and I were shopping for a birthday present for Gabe (he is now 3), while shopping I decided that Leilani was not allowed to have a first birthday because she is not allowed to grow up... If only it could work that way. But I guess its a good thing that we do grow up, I just wish it lasted longer. it feels like yesterday that we brought our beautiful baby girl home. She is doing so great, she now sits, rolls, reaches for us, pushes herself around the floor (mostly backwards), she is eating baby food and loves it!! We are still introducing foods to her but so far so good.
(Sorry I am not posting pictures, I have lost my camera. so when I find it, I will post some).
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